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European Mobility Week 2016: Smart Mobility, Strong Economy
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European Mobility Week 2016: Smart Mobility, Strong Economy

We live in a society where pollution has essentially taken over, even if we sometimes don’t always realize it. And so it’s with great timing that a trip to the mountains is in store, where as soon as you step foot out of your car you breath air so fresh that it’s like being on a whole different planet.

From September 16th to 22nd: 7 days to learn how to walk

How many times have you caught yourself complaining about the suffocating city air without thinking up a way of reducing your carbon footprint by walking, biking or using public transport? Well, going by car is quicker, more comfortable and it’s got heat and air conditioning, a slap in the face to those rising prices of public transport fees…. but is it really all it’s cut out to be?

Luckily for you (and for us) European Mobility Week is coming up: one week a year – from September 16th to 22nd – that aims to introduce concrete initiatives to European residents and convince them that running around in your car isn’t the only way. We can make a difference in our own cities, while also helping our health and wallets!

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Leaving the car behind equates to a free holiday

On those winter mornings when just the idea of stepping outside is terrorizing, having a warm, cozy and comfortable car can really be a game-changer. Well, five minutes later, when you’re stuck in a never-ending traffic jam – leading to a late arrival at work or missing an important meeting – the outlook might change just a bit.

And this is where our beloved Belgian come into play: they calculated that if people leave their car behind and go with alternative methods of transport, they’ll save €2,853. And that’s per year! How many holidays have you accidentally blown off, what with nagging parking tickets or a monthly parking space fee?

Sitting in the car, sitting at your desk, on the move at the gym

spend nearly every day sitting at a desk and it really hacks away at our desire to hit the gym or head out on a run. Getting rid of the car on your daily commute means spending precious time on the go that would otherwise be just another time to sit. A walk from the bus stop to work with some music playing in your ears or a bike ride from home can play a helping hand in the recommended 145 weekly minutes of physical activity that we need to stay healthy. Shall we give both options a try?

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A week without smog might do the trick

European cities (but not only!) are working on all types of ways to offer alternative, efficient and easily accessible transportation to residents. From car and bike sharing to old taxis and new Ubers, from horses to carriages: everyone wants a piece of it, as we can find 14 different app alternatives that offer a different way to get from A to B as fast as possible.

Not everyone, however, knows the best alternatives out there: some overlook car sharing, oblivious to the fact that they can rent a car and pay less than 30 cents a minute.

Maybe some initiatives will win you over? A full day of no traffic that lets you walk freely in the roads and experience the city with no cars, discounts on subscriptions for alternative transportation, meetings to fill residents in on what’s new, personalized mobility plans, dedicated apps, interviews with residents to improve services and much more.

What about in Italy?

Almost all European countries are participating in the initiative, but it doesn’t stop there: Japan, too, will make their claim for a cleaner planet.

Even more impressive is how some participants have a boatload of cities in on the fun (Austria, Hungary and Spain have at least 200 cities that will participate) while in England not even ten managed to get behind it. Could it be that their pollution levels are already low? Unlikely. Probably just a Brexit thing.

As for Italy? Not a whole lot of cities are taking part, which has left us rather disappointed. Why would Milan, Rome and Turin – cities that without a doubt aren’t known for clean air – not partake when a city like Syracuse is up for it?

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